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Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Mum and me, October 2015.

Working from photos and both to have more aork especially Mum.


  1. Love these but you'll have to find a new angle for your self portrait.

  2. I took the shot of me the day we had the eclipse ,I was interested in the strange light.

    1. I can understand that but because you're looking down and with a stern face it appears very sinister! Camera straight in front would be better (like your Mum, who's a much better model anyway) - get Daf to take a few if he can put up with you trying to direct him!!

    2. Not a bad idea , but he won.t listen to me anyway. I agree it is not a pleasing image, but it served a purpose at the time.

  3. I took the shot of me the day we had the eclipse ,I was interested in the strange light.

  4. Love these John, especially your finished portrait.
