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Monday, 22 March 2010

Ocean and Jane. March 2010.

This painting was done three days after the one of Ocean at Usk( below ). It was painted on a canvas board which had been prepared with a cool grey acrylic ground. I used a bigger brush and worked much more vigorously than usual. I am quite pleased with the result although it is tonaly weak. Similar poses by Ocean and Penny, but a different approach.

Ocean, oil on canvas board. Brockweir.
I found myself with a full on front view, which is not my favourite. I did the drawing in purple and struggled with the shoulders. There was a strong light over her left shoulder leaving the rest of the body in shadow. I have attempted to make the painting much softer by avoiding the hard edged facets that I have tended towards in the past ( Penny above ). What you see is the result of working on the painting the next day as I was not happy with what I had produced the day before. This pose is to be repeated, but I am going to start another one hopefully from a different position, but if not then possibly a section.

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